Welcome!Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. Writing about ones self can often be difficult without sounding vain or indeed reflecting ones ability to write in plain English with reasonable punctuation and grammar, but I suppose this is a simple‘about me’ page that relates to my interest in my job as a DJ and give you the reader some confidence that I have the ability to make your function work with varied music and a style to suit the event. With experience, I have learned that apart from being vocal on the microphone, actually playing songs that get requested and being a master of music selection is key in producing a great evening. Now i'm just past the age of 40 (something), You would be forgiven in thinking I might be a little long in the tooth to be down with the modern music, but having a real passion for music, including the latest hits, and playing live sets in night clubs to the young and lively has firmly kept me on my toes and in the musical know. I have invested in the very best equipment and have vast experience. On the flip side to being 'down in da hood' :), I’m as comfortable is entertaining the older crowd with my versatile collection. My experience has been built from working in clubs, pubs,, private functions and radio and I especially love weddings
Made of musicDavesdisco really is made of music, with adaptable and versatile selection of music and a guarantee to play requested songs when you want them. I can cater for all occasions and functions and I am available to work anywhere within the UK, and anywhere in Europe by special arrangement. I am adaptable, flexible, reliable and always dress to impress. Please feel free to add me to your Facebook or follow me on Twitter and i would be more than happy to chat on the phone if you have any questions or would like to discuss your event in detail. If you are planning a wedding, it might be a good idea to visit our dedicated weddings page, even if you choose not to book my services, this page contains invaluable information and advice on things you may not have even thought off
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It all started on the dark side of the moon![]() like most people who have the pleasure and privilege of being paid to entertain crowds of people by playing music, my aspirations, interest and love for music was firmly founded when I was very young. As child in the 1970’s, the world was a very different place. Typically of the 1970’s, smog, coal fires, the rag and bone man and boxed shaped cars was common place and the advent of the modern world, including the internet, compact discs, computers, mobile phones and man bags, had yet to be invented, however, radio was as prevalent then as it is today. During the school week, my mother would shout me up out of bed and I would tumble down the stairs with one eye half open to my awaiting tea, tower of hot toast and the radio playing at a moderate volume on the table. With the dreaded thought of school approaching the radio soon became my sanctuary and form of escapism. After school, I would often sneak my mother’s radio outside and listen to Radio One's teatime radio show with my friend. My love for music began to develop. (I could be very cheesy now and place a sound byte here by john miles, a song entitled ‘music was my first love’, but you might be either too young to remember that 1970’s song, or you might think I was being serious rather than having a playful joke with music history and the relevance to this ‘about me’ page, so I wont do it) In the late 1970’s my sister left home to marry a guy who, like almost every other typical man from the 70’s, seem to constantly wear demine jackets and jeans, long hair and had somehow established large carpet like growth on the side of his face known as sideburns. Not long after my sister had left to move onto married life, I noticed she had left behind a record player, headphones and one vinyl album. With my new found desire to explore music, I knew I had to set the player up and play that album, so late one night when my parents thought I was sleeping, I carefully and quietly unpacked the record player, plugged it into the mains and inserted the headphones, and then gently placed the stylus into the outside groove of the vinyl record. I knew my sister would freak if she knew I was touching her stuff, she freaked at me once for breaking her cactus plant, but that’s another story. I remember looking at the cover of the album as the slight cracking noise began to filter into the headphones, it had picture of prism on it with a black foreground. At this point, if your of a certain age, or indeed a pink Floyd fan, or taken note of the heading and picture in this section and you’re a music genius, you may have already guessed that the album was dark side of the moon. What made the experience even more over whelming was that this was the first time I had experienced stereo, and it was through headphones too which brought the whole album alive in my tiny brain. My mother’s radio was of course mono, and although stereo is now taken for granted, for a young boy who had discovered a love for music, and only ever heard music in mono, stereo was an amazing audio experience. From that point, I wanted every one else to feel what I felt when I listened to music and being a DJ was the answer.
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